Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world's currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion. All the world's combined stock markets don't even come close to this. But what does that mean to you? Take a closer look at forex trading and you may find some exciting trading opportunities unavailable with other investments. Forex (or sometimes just FX)�is�short for foreign exchange, and�is the largest financial market in the world. Simply put, it's how individuals and businesses convert one currency to another. Please note that residents in $country_name are not eligible to apply for an account through /au.
The CFTC's Division of Enforcement has established a toll-free telephone number to assist members of the public in reporting possible violations of the commodities laws. Call 866-FON-CFTC (866-366-2382). In addition, if you think that you have been a victim of a forex scam, you can report suspicious activities or information to the CFTC in the online form on the this website, or by mail addressed to the Office of Cooperative Enforcement, CFTC, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20581.
Whenever possible, go for a free demo account and then try your forex signals for a few days before becoming a paid member. Forex trading does involve some planning and strategy building so be prepared for a steep learning curve before trading with real money!
The School of Pipsology is designed to help you acquire the skills, knowledge, and special abilities to become a successful trader in the foreign exchange market. Managers have finally understood the need for line-by-line, desk-by-desk scrutiny. AxiTrader runs a 24 hour Client Services and trading desk 5 days a week starting from 08.00am AEST (00.00 server time) Monday morning and ending at 08.00am AEST on Saturday morning.
A client based foreign exchange trading system is a software application usually downloaded and installed in your computer. One major drawback of using a client based forex software client is the limited accessibility. You may only be able to access and trade with it using the computer on which it the application is installed. Another concern regarding this type of forex software is the issue of security. If your own computer system or network is not secure, then chances are your trading software is not secure also.
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