Foreign Exchange trading, or Forex, is the trading in international currencies. Is Forex a scam? The currency markets are a large and liquid market, attracting speculative short term traders. International currency markets are risky and reliant on rumors, world news, and politics. Foreign Exchange markets have been described as a zero sum game. There is a fixed supply of currency on the world markets and for one person to make money on a Foreign Exchange market trade, someone else must lose money. Trading in the Forex Marketplace can be very attractive. However, you should also know that there have been people who suffered extreme financial losses in the Forex Marketplace. It is true that the Forex Marketplace offers a very good money-making opportunity to a lot of people, but it also has its risks.
This type of forex fraud is an assault on the international financial system - victimizing investors in multiple countries while concealing where the wrongdoing took place,� says U.S. Senator Carl Levin, who is chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and became aware of Secure Investment when asked about it by Bloomberg Markets.
In 1876, something called the gold exchange standard was implemented. Basically it said that all paper currency had to be backed by solid gold; the idea here was to stabilize world currencies by pegging them to the price of gold. It was a good idea in theory, but in reality it created boom-bust patterns which ultimately led to the demise of the gold standard.
For a Buy 2 lots EUR/USD� position the transaction size is 200,000 EUR which corresponds to 220,000 USD, given a EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.10000. Considering that for a USD 100,000 transaction size commission is charged for both opening and closing the position at USD 5 each, for this transaction it will be: 2 x (5 x 220,000 / 100,000) = 22 USD. The commission fee is deducted from the account during the opening of the transaction for both the operations at once (opening and closing).
A web based foreign exchange trading system allows you to trade anytime and anywhere, provided you have an internet connection. This software application will allow you to log in and trade through the use of any available web client such as Firefox or Internet Explorer. These software tools tend to be beefed up in security and are less vulnerable to hackers and viruses. Client based software will usually require additional fees for constant software updates also.
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